Tuesday, July 14, 2020

More reasons for America's Oldest Baby to throw tantrums

Over the last couple of days, education secretary Betsy DeVos has made a fool of herself on national television, trying in vain to justify President Trump's mandate that schools have to start the 2020-21 season as scheduled over the next two months, depending on where you live. DeVos, whose husband owns a charter school in their home state, went on CNN's State of The Union, only to get raked over the coals by the panel on ABC's The View the next day. Turns out panelist-comedienne Joy Behar was a former schoolteacher herself before turning to show business.

The bottom line was, DeVos exposed herself as being not ready for primetime. Gee, what a shock. Are we seeing a pattern here? Trump's press shill, Kayleigh McEnany, has repeatedly been ripped over trying to cover for Trump in daily pressers, and exposing herself as the embodiment of an unpleasant stereotype immortalized in song by, say for example, Don Henley. If you don't know what I mean, you haven't been paying attention.

Trump would rather put the lives of students and teachers in 22 states that are experiencing a resurgence of coronavirus at risk by forcing them back into the classroom. In California, governor Gavin Newsom has said that schools in Southern California, specifically San Diego & Los Angeles, will resume with virtual learning, which, frankly, is the smart move, buying time while the necessary safety implements, such as plexiglas partitions between desks, for example, are added to the classrooms before full classes can actually start.

                          "WAAAAHHHH! I want the kids in school, not at home! WAAAHHH!!"

And, then, as icing on the cake, a judge ruled Monday that Mary Trump, the president's niece, can begin a promotional tour for her book, Too Much & Never Enough (out now), which paints a very dark picture of the president's life. Between that and John Bolton's The Room Where it Happened, the President isn't going to like the best seller list any time soon.

                             "WAAAAHHHHHH! Mary hates me! Burn the books! WAAHHH!"

Oh, and lest we forget, Trump, unsurprisingly, has turned on Dr. Anthony Fauci, using him as yet another scapegoat for his own failings in dealing with COVID-19. While Fauci admitted to some early errors in judgment, he corrected himself when additional data was received in his office. Fauci says that Trump hasn't consulted with him in several weeks. Well, why not? He'd rather see Kayleigh in front of the camera than a doctor who actually knows what he's talking about. And if any of the remaining loyalists in Trump's voter base can't be bothered to remove the blinders and acknowledge reality in the next 3 1/2 months, they may be Trump's only hope of re-election. However, between coronavirus and the double-barreled literary firestorm now in stores, plus his own inability to embrace reality & truth, Trump might be better served doing something he hasn't been all along, just to prove himself to the base.

Go to church.


Goldstar said...

Unless Trumpty Dumpty can miraculously discover a cure for COVID-19 in the next 3 months, he's toast, or at least he has a good chance of going down in history as a one term president.

hobbyfan said...

He's got a better chance of being rented out to put hot air in balloons. Just sayin'.