Friday, August 7, 2020

A little of this and a little of that

America's Oldest Baby went on Fox News (where else?) to claim that children are immune from coronavirus.

No, they're not. President Trump is looking for excuses to justify his decision to force children back to school in the midst of a pandemic that has claimed over 160,000 American lives over the last six months.

However, in Georgia, a high school sophomore, Hannah Watters, was suspended for taking a picture of a crowded hallway in her school between classes. The school district tried to justify their decision by claiming that Watters' photo was out of context. Since classes began for the 2020-1 season last week in the south, there have been spikes in coronavirus cases. Georgia is one of those states that have seen a resurgence because they rushed the kids back.

Edit, 6/6/23: The video has been deleted.

Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan followed, as the video shows above, offering another damning diatribe against President Trump and the current education secretary, Bumbling Betsy DeVos.

You reap what you sow, Mr. Trump, that's all I can say.
Trump's re-election campaign, with the help of some photoshopping, launched an attack ad on Joe Biden, even going so far as to falsely claim that Biden "hates God".

Biden, a devout Catholic, has attended Mass at a local Delaware church for years. His campaign fired back, putting Trump on blast for using a Washington church for a self-serving photo op back in May.

Republicans have had a history of sabotaging their own campaigns, and this latest salvo, using computer trickery, could be another nail in Trump's political coffin.

I can say that with certainty, because I've seen how old fashioned mud-slinging can backfire at the local level.

I've told this next story before, even reported on it when it happened.

In 2011, then-Rensselaer County Legislator Louis Rosamillia, a professor at Hudson Valley Community College at the time, and, like Trump, not an experienced politico, ran for Mayor of Troy opposite current City Council President Carmella Mantello, whose campaign resorted to a last minute attack ad, four days before election day. The tactic backfired spectacularly, as Rosamillia routed Mantello by as much as 15 percentage points at the polls. After one term, Rosamillia retired from politics, realizing that, as a man of God himself, this wasn't for him in the long term.

For someone who claims he, too, is a man of God, Trump continually behaves like anyone but. The pressure is getting to him, but he'll never admit it. His ego won't allow it. A true Christian would not resort to blatant lies and misrepresentation. Trump allegedly does, because while he addresses the entire country, he's aiming his message at his voter base of disenfranchised closet bigots. As we've seen, that base is gradually eroding, and the more Trump ignores the biggest issues in front of him (i.e. coronavirus), the less likely it is he'll be re-elected, and despite his claims that he won't leave office in January if he loses, he has no choice. Walk out or get carried out to the nearest mental hospital.
The National Rifle Association is being sued by New York Attorney General Letitia James, alleging that NRA suits, including President Wayne LaPierre, have been misusing funds for personal needs, such as vacations. In other words, they're taking the money donated by members (I have an uncle who is a supporter), and instead of using the money as intended, they're making themselves rich at the supporters' expense. Sound familiar? Yep.

So of course the NRA is claiming the suit is baseless, and, get this, infringes on second amendment rights. No, it doesn't. This has zero to do with the second amendment. These jackasses would rather hide behind the constitutional rights they're supposedly defending when the heat's getting too hot for them. How many times have we seen business executives use company funds for personal vacation trips, only to get called out in the press? The NRA is no different in that context, and it has nothing to do with their crusade, no matter how they spin it.

Methinks Mr. LaPierre will be joining his friend, the President of the United States, at Bellevue real soon.


magicdog said...

If you want to know about illness, I highly recommend the book, "What Really Makes You Ill" by Dawn Lester and David Parker. It's an eye opener.

As for Hannah, the suspension was overturned. From what i understand, the photo was taken out of context, as masks are considered optional in GA. Not that they'd work anyway.

hobbyfan said...

The administration thinks it was out of context, but they just don't want to admit that the masks being optional is a mistake.