Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Dunce Cap Award: Rudy Giuliani

 Over 215,000 Americans, and counting, have died from complications resulting from coronavirus.

Apparently, Rudy Giuliani stopped counting, or just doesn't want the facts to get in the way of the story he's selling to prospective voters.

Giuliani was in Pennsylvania on Columbus Day, on the stump for his pal, President Trump, claiming that there haven't been any more deaths from coronavirus. He's even gone so far as to claim he's taken hydroxychloroquine, the "cure" Trump touted after he himself got some bad advice.

The deterioration of a once proud American continues.

Apparently, Giuliani's personal physician comes from the clinic of Drs. Howard, Fine, & Howard, because, as we've said before, Giuliani has lost his marbles, and every time he goes out in support of fellow geriatric Trump, unmasked, just like the President, he embarrasses himself even further. What more needs be said for someone who picked up another Dunce Cap?

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