Thursday, October 8, 2020

Should there be another debate?

 President Trump has been operating under the delusion that he "won" last week's debate debacle vs. Democratic challenger Joe Biden. Post-debate polls say otherwise, and the fact that Trump weaseled his way into an early release from Walter Reed Hospital on Monday when he wasn't 100% cured of coronavirus suggest a desperate man trying to reinforce his facade of strength on his voter base.

Biden has said he wouldn't do another debate if Trump isn't 100% healthy, and he's right. The next debate is in one week's time in Miami. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains why this is a bad idea for Trump.

In this era of Zoom conferencing, why not use that platform for a virtual debate? It wouldn't hurt.

Update, 8:20 am (ET): Next week's debate will be held virtually.

Update, 9:09 am (ET): President Trump has said he'd rather hold a rally than take part in a virtual debate. In other words:

"WAAAHHHH! I wanna be in Miami! WAAAAAAHHHHH!"

The man does not get it.


Goldstar said...

The tangerine tyrant won't take part in a virtual debate because he knows that he would get muted or switched off when he inevitably tries to interrupt Biden and the moderator and starts yammering while saying absolutely nothing. Plus, Trump knows that he's full of COVID and wants to infect Biden with it so Joe will get sick and have to drop out of the race before November 3rd. Orange Foolius is just like Dick Dastardly; he refuses to play unless he can cheat.

So now Fat Bastard wants to just have another one of his hate rallies instead. It remains to be seen if he'll be able to stand up and speak for 90 minutes. Frankly, anyone who'd be stupid enough to attend one of those rallies and sit in close proximity to Covidiot deserves whatever they get.

hobbyfan said...

There's plenty of stupid people supporting President Pampers, so......!

And, a week after testing positive, he thinks he's doing good. Saw a headline where he had trouble clearing his throat whilst calling into Spam Hannity's show. The man needs to get over himself.