Thursday, October 1, 2020

Guess who's resistant to debate changes?

 Apparently, President Trump doesn't know the meaning of the word, "decorum".

Claiming he had an easy victory in Tuesday's debate with Joe Biden, largely by big-footing the proceedings like a rude houseguest, Trump is now objecting to changes being enacted to debate rules prior to the 2nd of the 3 debates on October 15.

"WAAAAHHHH!!! Leave it the way it is! I won the last round! WAAAAHHHHH!"

Speaking through two of his flunkies, Bill Stepien, his campaign manager, and Jason Miller, Trump has voiced his opposition to the rules changes.

Here's the problem, Mr. Trump. You're the reason they're making these changes. You treated this like you treat your press conferences, as a bully pulpit to push your agenda of misinformation, false theories, and general bullying. You've had two chances in the last three weeks now to redeem yourself before the American people, not just your brainwashed base, and you've blown it both times.

The truth of the matter is, Trump is treating this like a wrestling angle, and he's the heel, or villain, much like his pal, fellow geriatric Vince McMahon. The public is tired of this five years and counting series of disrespectful actions toward certain groups (i.e. African Americans, Hispanic-Americans, media) which has torn down the credibility of the Presidency like a condemned building. In fact, the Republican party, as we know it, has been torn down and remolded to fit Trump's worldview agenda, as skewed as that is.

In this writer's opinion, Trump has done nothing to prove to the general populace he deserves a 2nd term. He denied any knowledge of the Proud Boys, less than 24 hours after the debate, but who's he fooling? He's throwing the Proud Boys under the bus, just like everyone else close to him who's gotten in hot water.

The next two debates will represent the last chances of redemption. If Trump insists on being America's Oldest Jackass on live television, he's doomed.

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