Thursday, December 8, 2022

Dunce Cap Award: Gee, care to take a guess?

 By now, you know that WNBA star Brittney Griner is on her way home from Russia, swapped for a Russian arms dealer. There are still other prisoners in Russian jails, but the officials there decided that only Griner would be sent home.

Naturally, this sends the GOP into a frenzy. They know President Biden was left with little choice but to agree to the conditions to bring Griner home instead of someone like Paul Whelan, who's been waiting longer to be released. But, they don't care. 

Not surprisingly, of course, Empty-G (Marjorie Taylor Greene) is calling for Biden to be impeached because of how the deal was constructed. Of course, she doesn't really understand the concept of impeachment, nor does she care to. It's just a buzzword for her base, far as Empty-G is concerned.

Would someone buy her a thesaurus, a dictionary, and a clue? In that order.

Remember, this is the same dimbulb who has promised to file for impeachment of Biden every week once the new Congress is sworn in on January 3. That, of course, is because the false prophet of the GOP, Donald John Judas Trump, was impeached twice. Doesn't matter that he wasn't convicted, and, of course, Biden won't be convicted, either.

Like Trump, Empty-G is making news just for the sake of doing so. Naturally, she gets another Dunce Cap, because of her inability to comprehend the meaning of impeachment.

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