Saturday, December 3, 2022

When GOPers bring the stupid: Now they want to investigate their own donors for being "woke"

 It just never ends with the Republican Party.

Once the GOPers take control of the House of Representatives in January, they intend to make with a bunch of frivolous investigations, including their own corporate donors, because those donors, in the warped ideology of the GOPers, are "woke". Of course, GOPers don't know the definition of "woke" in its popular context. Presumptive incoming Speaker Kevin "The Body Snatcher" McCarthy has already promised Empty-G that she could have and do whatever she wanted after she was booted from committee assignments last year. Many say that Ms. Moldy Peaches may be the real power behind the Speaker's office if McCarthy lands the gig. Ugh.

Farron Cousins explains:

McCarthy, Empty-G, and the rest of the GOPers are stupid enough to think they'd throw away corporate money just to fit a mythical agenda created for them by former president Citizen Pampers (which is why Trump is in the screencap). As I noted, I don't think they know what "woke" really means in today's context. Their loss.

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