Monday, January 15, 2024

Dunce Cap Award: Jesse Watters

 Fox No News may have bounced their highest rated primetime host, Tucker "Tabloid" Carlson, last year, but that hasn't stopped them from continuing to propagate National Enquirer-worthy "news".

Take, for example, Carlson's successor, Jesse "Dirty" Watters.

One night last week, Watters came up with a real whopper, claiming, without evidence, of course, that singer Taylor Swift was somehow recruited by the government for a "psy-op" to explain away the increase in voter registration among teens & 20-somethings.

Like, seriously, Jesse? That the best ya got?

Here's the thing. The Republicans & Fox No News don't want young people to register to vote. Fewer voters means a better chance for GOPers to win elections, which is funny considering that nearly 25 years ago, Vince McMahon and the then-WWF were doing the same thing, encouraging their fans to get the vote out. Remember that, Jesse? Of course not. While McMahon is an acknowledged Republican, and, back then, it was okay for the party to do some recruiting, now, it isn't, at least in the warped minds of today's GOP "leadership", which is consisting of brain damaged types like Donald Trump and his sycophants like Stephen Miller, Empty-G, Goofy Gosar, and the rest of the idiot squad.

Farron Cousins explains Watters' attempt at black humor.

At least the Pentagon has a sense of humor about this. Personally, I don't think Watters wants to be too close to a Kansas City Chiefs game any time soon. Just sayin'.

Watters may have taken one too many stupid pills that day. You know what he gets:

It fits.

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