Wednesday, January 10, 2024

If it hasn't worked before, why try it again?

 "It", in this case, is Citizen Pampers (Donald Trump) making false claims about political rivals, and claiming they're not eligible to be president.

Throughout Barack Obama's 2008 campaign and his subsequent administration (2009-16), Trump insisted that Obama, the 1st African-American elected President, wasn't born in this country. Even after officials in Hawaii produced documents that proved Obama was born there, Trump persisted with his lies. 

"WAAAAH! He's not a true American! WAAAAHHH!"

During the 2016 primary season, after Raphael "Ted" Cruz won the Iowa Caucus, Trump accused him of cheating, and made spurious claims about Cruz's citizenship, since the Texas Senator spent part of his formative years in Canada. Today, Cruz is just another GOP sycophant, picking online fights he can't win and engaging in culture wars, usually with characters from Sesame Street. It's fair to say he's fallen in line.

Four years ago, during his re-election campaign, Trump turned his attention of California's Kamala Harris, and the birther nonsense started anew. As we all know, Trump is still in denial about losing to Harris and President Joe Biden to this day publicly. For the 2nd time, a Democratic candidate made history, as Harris, with her multi-national background, became the 1st female VP.

It's also fair to say that Trump and his Legion of The Brainwashed won't be satisfied unless the Orange Toddler is back in the White House. However, former South Carolina Governor & UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, because her parents are from India, has become Diaper Don's latest target.

"Her parents weren't born here, so she can't run! WWAHHHHH!"

He made the same argument against Harris, and that failed, so what makes him think it'll work this time? Haley's parents, like Harris' parents, are naturalized citizens. Both Harris & Haley were born in this country, so they are eligible.

So why is he going after Haley this close to this year's Iowa Caucus, on top of all of his legal troubles? Because at his core, he's a scared little boy who is finding out---and denying----that a lifetime of pampering & privilege won't do him any good anymore. Haley has picked up steam in Iowa & New Hampshire, to the point where she could win in both states.

16 years ago, the Republicans put up Sarah Palin as a prospect to be the first female VP. That failed. Nikki Haley is in a position to be the 1st female president, giving the Republicans a chance to be on the right side of history.

If only they could keep this child quiet:


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