Thursday, January 4, 2024

This week in GOP stupidity

 Colorado airhead Lauren Gropert is now trying to claim that "Hollywood money", from the likes of actor Ryan Reynolds and music icon Barbra Streisand, among others, is what's driving her out of Colorado's 3rd Congressional District and into the 4th. As we talked about last week, Gropert fails to see that she has a rougher road in front of her in the 4th district, and she's scapegoating to avoid admitting she's making a mistake.

Bottom line: Gropert is too dim to realize we can see right through her whiny excuses this time. Stick a fork in her come November. She's done.
Texas Governor Greg (Hey) Abbott is still busing migrants out of his state and out into places like Chicago, New York, and Jersey City, all because of his misguided approach to handling the border crisis, and placing blame & responsibility on the Biden administration. Regardless of who's been in the White House in recent years, migrants are still entering the country, bypassing customs out of desperation to get away from the oppression in their native lands.

Abbott is refusing to take the responsibility himself, and is effectively passing the buck. To that end, the Department of Justice in Washington filed suit against Texas on Wednesday to block a recently signed law that allows Texas law enforcement to arrest migrants regardless of citizenship status. They could amend the suit to also punish Abbott for what amounts to human trafficking of the migrants. Abbott began busing migrants to New Jersey to do an end around on an executive order signed by NYC Mayor Eric Adams.

Abbott just doesn't care what happens to the migrants after they leave Texas. He thinks he can "own the libs", but he's the one who'll be owned. Soon.
More proof that Donald Trump has the evangelicals snowed came at a party at Mar-a-Lame-O on New Year's Eve. Wife Melania was away tending to her ailing mother. So the former president, no stranger to philandering, had telegenic attorney Alina Habba-Dabba-Doo at his side, as he did at a recent UFC event.

Farron Cousins finds this weird, and wonders where Trump's priorities are at in regard to his family.......

If Trump can't be bothered to actually show he cares about his mother-in-law, it tells you all you need to know about his hypocrisy, socially, morally, etc..
Aaron Rodgers was on the field not even 15 minutes for the Jests this season, as their playoff chances died over the last few weeks.

Then, he goes and makes the same mistake a lot of right wingers have, and raised the ire of ABC late night yakker Jimmy Kimmel.

See, Rodgers, on Pat McAfee's yak-fest the other day, made some comments regarding a list belonging to the late Jeffrey Epstein, and made a snide crack about Kimmel. Whooops!!!

Kimmel fired back on his talk show, and has raised the prospect of litigation against Rodgers. McAfee, realizing his role in all this in enabling Rodgers to channel his inner moron, made an apology on-air, perhaps cognizant of the fact that Disney, which employs him & Kimmel, may not be too thrilled.

Rodgers, for his part, should've done his homework, considering that Kimmel has skewered GOPers like Trump, Timex Cruz, Empty-G, and others on his show. Maybe if Rodgers finally consents to getting a vaccine, they should also give him about 200 cc's of intelligence.

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