Saturday, January 7, 2017

Forgotten TV: Checking In (1981)

After 7 seasons on The Jeffersons, some genius decided that Florence, the tart-tongued maid (Marla Gibbs), deserved her own series. If memory serves, Checking In, which lasted just a month in the spring of 1981, either filled in for Jeffersons or shared space on the Sunday schedule for CBS.

Only 4 episodes made it to air, as viewers sent a message. Even though Florence was a beloved, popular character, the audience felt she wasn't meant to be fronting a show of her own. Gibbs was given a supporting cast that included Larry Linville (ex-M*A*S*H), Liz Torres, and Robert Costanzo, the latter better known for his later cartoon work (Batman: The Animated Series in particular).

Here's the open:

No rating.


Hal said...

Premiered on my birthday that year, a Thursday. Was tried along with a Harold Gould series called Park Place. Neither made much headway filling in for The Waltons, which was on its way out after 9 seasons.

hobbyfan said...

Ok, I had thought maybe it would've been paired with The Jeffersons, which would've made more sense, but as you describe it, Hal, this would be filed under "What was CBS thinking?".

The Ritty said...

Good lord that last shot was so phony lol Still would like to see this show some day.

hobbyfan said...

With only a month's worth of episodes having aired, Ritty, it's not going to show up again unless Sony packages it with a one season DVD of Jeffersons.