Friday, March 12, 2021

If you haven't gotten your shots yet, maybe these guys can help (2021)

 Four of the five former presidents still living have come together to do a PSA for the Ad Council encouraging Americans to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, & Barack Obama all appear in the ad. The lone holdout? Who else but Donald Trump, who downplayed the pandemic intentionally in a lame attempt to avoid panicking the American people, if but to cover the fact that he prioritized the national bottom line over public health & safety. America's Oldest Baby is probably afraid that if he took part in this ad, he'd look weak in front of his brainwashed base.

Of course, CBS' Stephen Colbert found a way to edit the ad to insert Trump on The Late Show, but we'll pass on that. Ye scribe has already gotten one shot, with one more coming in a couple of weeks.

But if you don't take the advice of four former presidents, what are you waiting for?


Silverstar said...

Congrats, man. My mom got her first shot yesterday, and my dad goes in for his today. Maryland hasn't gotten to my tier group yet, but I've signed up for alerts so when my time does come I can make an appointment.

"Every former President except Trump", get used to saying that. Donny One Term will likely never participate in any such activities, nor will he ever be invited to any of them, as he's managed to get on the bad sides of every member of the Former Presidents' Club, and participating in such events require intelligence, patriotism and empathy, qualities which El Tweeto deCheato clearly lack. T's managed to ostracize himself from yet another social clique, just like in his former home of NYC and basically everywhere else. The man is so hollow and bereft of a soul that not even becoming POTUS could fill the void.

This is Trash Dump's legacy; his career has now become identical to that of one of admirers, fellow toxic has-been Ted Nugent. Like the Nuge, T's become so repellent the no one in the big industries will go near him, he will only be welcomed into small venues like county fairs and grocery store openings, and the only people willing to be seen in public with him are fellow losers, abhorrent people and social pariahs just as toxic as he is.

The fact that the public have even managed to warm up to George W. Bush over must really sting, as does getting shellacked by Obama's Veep; it's like thinking you're big stuff because you managed to evade Batman, then turning a corner and getting your butt whooped by Robin.

hobbyfan said...

I'm getting nightly alerts from the NYDOH, which is cool.

Of course, Citizen Pampers is still swindling his sheep by getting them to divert funds intended for the GOPers to him. I just hope Cy Vance, Jr. puts him away before the end of the year.