Saturday, June 19, 2021

How gullible were insurrectionists for Trump? Some didn't vote at all!

 Slowly, we are finding out about the kind of people Citizen Pampers recruited to storm the Capitol in January. As Farron Cousins reveals, not all of them were registered voters, like the bunch from North Carolina!

How stupid can these people be to buy into the Big Lie without having had a stake in it either way in the first place. Welp, we were able to locate someone who might've been an inspiration to them.

Howard Morris' legendary character, Ernest T. Bass, from The Andy Griffith Show, certainly looks like the type of low information rural type that would listen to any sort of tall tale from Citizen Pampers. 60 years later, that's certainly proving true.


Goldstar said...

Those dopes didn't think that they had to go vote. They figured that Peter DeCheater would just appoint himself emperor for life, and that his actions would be met with no resistance whatsoever, not taking taking into account that outside of his small but vocal base, Chump is hugely unpopular.

Apparently these suckers also thought that our neighboring allies were just going shrug their collective shoulders and say "Ah well." Clearly they missed all the moments of the other countries ringing bells and celebrating in the streets when the U.S. Presidential Election was called for Joe Biden and that Orange Judas lost. Guess that Fox Noise didn't show that.

hobbyfan said...

No, Fox Shmooze got in trouble when they called Arizona for Biden, and the GOPers wigged.

Nice use of a Yogi's Gang reference to describe Trump, BTW.