Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Proof you can't fix stupid: Dumb Donald II thinks it would've been ok for his dad to keep classified documents

 While we've never been able to prove that Dumb Donald II (Donald Trump, Jr.) has any sort of substance abuse issues, despite video evidence that would suggest it, he keeps demonstrating that, to use an old joke, if his brains were dynamite, he wouldn't have enough to blow his nose, much less a certain white powder.

Anyway, Prince Preppy and Screaming Kimi (Kim Guilfoyle) were at a rally on Monday for Florida Misrepresentative Mattress Gaetz, and Prince Preppy decided to play the idiot card once again. Farron Cousins explains:

As Farron notes, no, those documents were not the personal property of Citizen Pampers, no matter how many Daffy Duck tantrums the elder Trump throws. Junior is so dumb, he could probably relate to some of those Dumb Donald questions on Match Game, like this gem about the President's Cabinet.......

I'll bet anything at all Fraud Fauntleroy had access to tapes of a certain NBC relic from the 50's while doing The Apprentice, considering his sons' public speaking ability could only have come from Ding Dong School......

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