Monday, August 1, 2022

Some GOPers don't know the Bible.......

 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves."---Matthew 7:15.

"Did you ever dance with the devil in pale moonlight?"--The Joker (Jack Nicholson), "Batman", 1989.

A pastor in Oregon, in speaking to his flock a week ago, said that "Christian nationalism", the movement supported by the likes of Empty-G (Marjorie Taylor Greene) and other GOPers, is not true Christian doctrine. Rev. Chuck Currie says that "Christian nationalism" is racist at its core. Well, there's a shock for ya.

Farron Cousins explains:

Empty-G and her ilk pander to their low information base with such falsehoods, knowing that the base won't research their claims to gather the truth. But how many GOP voters would actually reference the Bible, something GOPers seemingly are allergic to? As a result, while Currie accuses Empty-G of dancing with the devil (hence the "Batman" reference), Empty-G and other GOPers fall into the category of the false prophets Jesus spoke of in The Gospel According to St. Matthew (to use the official title of the book in the New Testament).

Kinda makes one wonder if the Antichrist Jesus also warned us about is already among us as an overstuffed, spray-tanned man-child.........

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