Thursday, October 28, 2021

Dunce Cap Award: Care to take a guess on this one?

 The late Andy Warhol once prophesied that everyone would be famous for 15 minutes.

Empty-G, aka Marjorie Taylor Greene, is milking her 15 minutes as much as she can by being the embodiment of an unpleasant stereotype in order to keep her name in the headlines. The latest example of this nonsense is an interview she gave to fellow GOPer Steve Bannon, in which she tried to use the Declaration of Independence to justify her defense of the January 6 insurrection.

Farron Cousins explains:

Now, you'd think she's smart enough to know better, and is playing dumb for attention. Gracie Allen & Goldie Hawn parlayed that gimmick into successful acting careers, and Goldie graduated to more serious roles, showing her range as an actress. Empty-G? Well, this will illustrate the public's perception of Ms. Moldy Peaches:

This is what happens when you cast lots with a mentally challenged, 70-something man-child drunk on power.

Meanwhile, Fox Shmooze's Tabloid Carlson is preparing a so-called documentary on 1/6, which attempts to rewrite the history of events on that day.

The evidence of what really happened that day is on video for everyone to see when they need to. Tabloid thinks his audience also watches WWE, since he shares their belief that viewers will forget details after a certain amount of time, but that sound byte mentality is really an urban legend.

That being said, Tabloid & Empty-G have these waiting for them:

Enough said.

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