Monday, April 26, 2021

Citizen Pampers may be meeting a collection agency.......

 This is just too rich. Literally.

Former President Donald John Ebenezer Scrooge Trump has yet to reimburse certain cities across the country for rallies held between 2015-20. How can someone be so crass & cheap at the same time? If you're Trump, it's real easy to do. Citizen Pampers is so focused on continuing to swindle the Legion of The Brainwashed, that he's ignoring the massive bills he's run up over this period.

Farron Cousins explains:

A little personal disclosure here. In my day job, I work for an insurance agency in the area. Some of our customers have had policies sent off to collection agencies when those policies cancel for non-payment. That does happen occasionally. The only thing that separates the former president from ordinary folks is his ego, arrogance, and defiance. He's so obsessed over getting his butt whupped at the polls nearly six months ago that he's developed a new reputation as a delinquent when it comes to his bills.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the debt wipes out youngest son Barron's college trust fund.

Enjoy having your properties garnished, Trump. It's your own fault.

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