Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Tabloid Carlson casts doubt on the Derek Chauvin jury. Someone should cast doubt on his brains, or lack of them

 Late Tuesday afternoon, I was at a laundry getting my wash done. On the flat screen TV above the counter was ABC's coverage of the verdict in the murder trial of ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. After it was announced that Chauvin was found guilty on all three counts of murder and/or manslaughter in the death of George Floyd 11 months ago, there were cheers in Minneapolis. A customer came in a short time later, and said he was surprised at the guilty verdict.

That surprise, you see, was because of so many cases the last few years ending with police officers being acquitted by juries that couldn't really see the gravity of the evidence presented to them.

Unfortunately, neither can Fox Shmooze's resident moron, Tabloid Carlson.

On his Tuesday night broadcast, Carlson cast doubt on the verdict, claiming the jury was intimidated out of fear of more protests. What an idiot!!! Justice was finally served, and this mealy mouthed wretch thinks the jury was intimidated?

Tabloid, there is dumb, and, then, there is you.

Carlson had a former NY corrections officer on the show who agreed with the verdict, and Carlson wasn't having it, cutting the interview short because it conflicted with the manufactured viewpoint he was trying to convey to his brainwashed audience.

Here's the truth, Tabloid. Take it or leave it. Chauvin used excessive force in restraining Floyd 11 months ago. One of your own colleagues, Greg Gutfeld, on The Five, acknowledged the verdict was the right one. But, then, here you are, like the snot-nosed, silver-spooned jackass we all know you to be, casting aspersions where they don't belong or exist.

Right now, let's hear from Tabloid's agent, or at least one of them:

"No comment. Can't say anything about anything I didn't see!"

What a surprise. We tried to find the Three Blind Mice, Carlson's lawyers, but they were auditioning for a rodent version of Daredevil.

Carlson is being paid oodles of money to spew outrageous opinions, passing them off as facts to his brainwashed audience of low-information GOPers, but someone should check and see if he checked his brains at the door the day he signed with Fox Shmooze.

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