Thursday, February 4, 2021

You wouldn't see this kind of ad today (1965-6)

 This one is for fellow blogger Hal Horn at The Horn Section.

Today, you don't see ads like this, touting Medicare and/or Social Security, not with certain politicians trying to destroy those programs for no real reason.

In 1965, F-Troop star Forrest Tucker made this PSA.

While certain of today's politicos are behaving like Daffy Duck from the same era as this ad, more people should be made aware of the benefits of Social Security and Medicare, programs that, supposedly, the Trump administration tried to shut down.


Hal said...

Thanks, actually have seen this one before, somewhere. Glad to know its on YouTube. Tuck was in demand for PSA's, guy just had that authoritative voice. :)

hobbyfan said...

Hey, feel free to post it at the Horn Section.