Wednesday, July 14, 2021

They say there's no honor among thieves. There's no honor among deranged lawyers, either

 A virtual hearing was held on Monday in Michigan involving pro-Trump ambulance chasers Looney Lin Woodchips and Silly Sidney Powell, in which each tried to throw the other under the bus.

Both are facing possible sanctions in Michigan for pushing false claims of election fraud on behalf of America's Oldest Baby, and, if they do get sanctioned, there's the very real possibility of disbarment in Michigan, as well as in Georgia and other states.

Between the two of them, Woodchips and Powell have a tray of ice cubes where their brain cells should be, and would be better served officially retiring from practicing law before their careers and reputations are permanently destroyed, if they weren't already.

Farron Cousins explains:

I wouldn't trust those two to actually play pinochle honestly. Would you?

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