Sunday, August 15, 2021

DeStupid gets DeBunked on national television

 Earlier today on Fox News Sunday. the only Fox News program that people can really trust, Chris Wallace interviewed Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes For Health, in which the two ended up debunking Florida Governor Ron DeStupid's ban on mask mandates in the Sunshine State, as COVID cases continue to rise.

Brian Tyler Cohen sums it up:

COVID cases via the Delta variant are surging across the country, including here in New York, where there's been a debate not too far from the hometown in Guilderland, where one parent suggested creating separate play zones for kids in schools, depending on which ones are vaccinated or not. The ones who aren't would have to be masked and socially distanced. As we discussed over at Tri-City SportsBeat, the state Department of Education is recommending that "high risk" sports such as soccer, volleyball, and football would be postponed to the spring again, but it's not being mandated, leaving each district to decide for themselves.

While DeStupid was the focus of Collins' tirade, it should apply also to Texas Governor Greg Abbott and others like him. Stop making excuses, and embrace reality. Stop prioritizing the state revenues over innocent lives. Preferably yesterday.

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